Listening to: Crazy Jennette
Feeling: sullen
I just woke up, its 1:30. I went to the Crazy Jennette/ Aejis Show last night, it was AWESOME. I had alot of fun. There were alot of people there for some reason, alot for this Christian Rock band. They were awful. Crazy Jennette rocked as usual. Amanda, Jessica and I went crazy, we were head banging and dancing and jumping, it was so much fun. My neck hurts sooooo bad though. I've never felt so much neck pain before, don't really know you have muscles somewhere until you hurt them. I'm going to see Joe today hopefully. I can't wait. I miss Katie, I haven't spent time with her in awhile. My hair basically is blonde, but where the green was it's yellow. I knew that was going to happen, but it's allright.
thanks for the comment.
yup..i always keep my promises :)
love hannah
leave a note to a boy with cancer, give him hope, give him love. read his entries and understand him better. be a friend, be a nice person. he wants me to forget him so i won.t be sad when he dies, this is impossible. i want to make everything better but i can.t so i will do all i can to help make them better little by little.
xo. jess