[26] Mondays SUCK!!

Listening to: One Way - Unknown
Me life sucks. It's boring. I mean like...Nothing happens...I do like 6 things worth mentioning a year. And the rest is crap. Oh well, I know someone out there cares. Today took FOREVER! I mean like FOREVER!! It sucked!! I was so freaking bored...I thought I would scream...I was biting my tounge in science. But today was also bloody. Literally. I got TWO nosebleeds...In one hour. Different sides both times but still! COME ON! I ran down the hall to the bathroom with my hand covered in blood...I looked like I just killed someone or something. And then ate them, because it was on my face. It was gross. Seriously. So now, people think I'm like, sick or something...yay. I'm not! I was scratching my nose cause it was really itchy on the inside...And I scratched to hard and Ta dah! BLOOD! And it got on my uni. pants. Great. More washing. Woo. Its a dam party. ~Kat
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You want to know how to cure boredom? Well, you should ask as many people if they are available this weekend, and while you are stalling for their answers over the week, you can work out. That's what i do, it's a great bore-curifier.
Do someone, it'll add onto your list of "Cool things you did this year". ;D. lol