Listening to: Speed Of Sound - Coldplay
Feeling: stubborn
*sighs* The stress. Why am I stressed? It should've gone away this weekend, but it didn't. So I have all last weeks stress, with this weeks stress and I'm already freaking out about the science test next week and I can't even think about the exams in 4 weeks. My head is going to explode. I can't do it. I don't get it. My marks are going to fall and that can't happen. I let it happen last semester and it almost got me taken away from the only thing that keeps me sane, my computer. I tried walking to the lake. It helped. Until I came back home. Then it came back. What did I do before to get rid of stress? I can't remember anything beyond listening to music for hours on end. But that's not working anymore. What does work then? ...I need to swim. Where's the dam pool when you need it?
Shattered like a million, million pieces
Sooner or later, you've got to find
Something, someone to find you and save you
When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
~Homeless Heart
Amanda Stott