
Your like me, YAY YOU! your an intelligent person,
and you like it that way, you like to keep up
with all the fashons but your not about to
spent all your money on the latest
"clique" because you realise that you
will only have to do it all over again in three
to six months anyway. your the boss wherever
you go and nothing could ever change that, you
would never show it but you have quiet the
romantic side, you love your friends but you
ofen love your man more, you love nothing more
than to spend all your time curled up with him
somewhere, especially if its under the stars,
on a warm night you could lay out on the grass
all night and watch the sky but you also like
to spend some "you" time alone in
your room listning to music.

Which beautiful butterfly girl are you? (beautiful anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla ooo quizzy...

Fortune Cookie-O-Meter

Created by semperfi and taken 16535 times on bzoink!

Describe Yourself in One Word:
You will live to be1644
You will live insilly goose-egg Canada
Your job will benurse
You will die with this much money$8,633,607.70

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