Listening to: The Scientest - Coldplay
Feeling: lost
Ahaha. I was looking at how to spell the Scientest and now the word looks SO weird.
Anyways. Rach and Meg read my entry (348)And were all like "OMGWTFYOURBREAKINGUPWITHHIM?!?"
Except in not those words. Because they would never say OMG or WTF. Only I do that. 'Cause I'm totally bowing to the dark side. Ahaha. Aren't I horrible?
Yeah, I thought so.
Anyways. My English story is amazing, because I write very angsty-like, and romance. And there's nothing better then a good angst/romance story, can I get an amen?
Didn't think so. But its still pretty sweet.
This is an entry, for the sake of an entry.
School gives me headaches. Seriously. I can't sit in a classroom for that long.
I feel horrible.
I suppose its not really my fault...
I'm lying. Its my fault.
I'm sorry