Well...Ok, I was going to write a huge long ranting entry.
And now I'm not ^^
But I will say that I am NOT HAPPY with Megan Vooght. She invited EVERYONE else that I hang with(I hang with her too) To her birthday party. But not me. And I'm sorry, but that is some grade A BULL!
She's totally not coming to my b-day party. And don't say thats immature, cuz she wasn't coming in the first place cuz I'm only allowed to have like 4 people. ><
It just pisses me off.
Done now.
I only notice it when people DO invite me to their parties! *starts crying*
*shifty eyes*
Birthday parties are scams though. The cake and entertainment arn't nearly enough to compensate you for the money you spent on a gift.
Although, it's always good to show up at a party with no gift...It's not like the person will tell you to go home or anything.
she can be SO unreasonable!
just like how she gets pissed off about me in service its like, relax, IT DOESN'T HURT YOU! i feel ur pain!:(