Listening to: Switch - Will Smith
Feeling: super
Mmmk...I can't remember what I did today. Tis weird...OO WAIT! I wrote a huge ass email to Rach because we are both ranting about how guys are stupid! WOO!...Yeah, anyways, she might be coming over tmo...I really hope so because I'm really bored and cooped up with my siblings all day. THATS NOT GOOD!! ANYWAYS! If she does come over, I'll see if I can get her to wave on this here thingy. Cuz she's cool enough to. >.>
Yeah...I got nothing...I gotta go find my stuff for ground school...I have a random test that no one told me about...And I don't know what's on it and I'm going to fail! YYA! Pffft. Me not studying is nothing new, trust me. I haven't failed yet! ...'cept that one time I did study and got like 17 out of...a lot...>.>
Music: Big Yellow Taxi
Yeah...I'm too lazy to write another whole entry...GAH! I TOTALLY MISSED GROUND SCHOOL! NO ONE CAME AND PICKED ME UP! DAMMIT! GAH! I am never going to pass ><
I remembered some of what I did this aft. DANCED IN THE RAIN!! I've always wanted to do that...Twas fun...I probably looked like a total dorkas tho. *shrugs* Meh.
WORD OF THE DAY!: ALRIGHT!! *say it really cool tho...>.> Yeah*
I'm done.
good luck with school!