I cannot get to bed before one AM.
I cannot and will not spend my entire night doing homework. Fuck you if you think I'm going to waste 6 hours of my day sitting in YOUR classes, and then go home and spend 5 hours doing homework. No. I'm not. Fuck that.
I don't even feel guilty anymore. I just did a shit job on my parenting assignment because it's a group thing, and my group shouldn't fail because of me. I am going to fail Philosophy and English Lit because I'm not doing any of the homework, and I do not care at all.
Homework is fucking bullshit.
I'm tired, and it feels like my head is in a vise, and I had a day off already but it didn't help, nothing helps I just need to get away.
Tomorrow is my birthday, but nobody is going to remember unless I tell them, because they never do, I never get a sign, I never get balloons, I don't get anything and it hurts.
They chose turkey supper over me.
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