
I went to my first Les Mes rehursal today! It was fun! So.....there's this guy....He's in the play and I think that I like him.......HEHE!!! He's tall, dark and handsom and he has an amazing voice!!!!!!! He was looking at me a lot today! I liked that! I don't know if anything will happen, chances are nothing will happen. And I kind of don't want it to! I want to see if I can try not having a boyfriend until after highschool. But hey, if something does happen, I will not complain!! Tee hee! ~Britney Francis~ -----Later----- Just some quotes that I found that have really helped me!!! Enjoy! As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more. -Jules Renard It's not about how you make your life, but how it makes you. -Britney Francis Love is not blind -- it simply enables one to see things others fail to see. -Anonymous The worst way to miss someone, is to have them sitting right next to you & you know you can never have them. -Anonymous No guy is worth your tears & the ones who are won’t make you cry. -Anonymous It takes only 1 minute to have a crush on someone~ an hour to like them~ & a day to love them~ but it takes a lifetime to forget them. -Anonymous Roses are red, violets are blue, God made me pretty... what happened to you?? -Anonymous Haha, I thought that one was funny. One day you’ll think of me as I thought of you, one day you’ll cry for me as I cried for you, one day you’ll love me as I loved you, & one day you’ll want me & I won’t want you. -Anonymous HmmmmHmmmm! *Snap Snap* Don’t say you love me unless you mean it because I might do something crazy and believe it. -Anonymous Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your lips. -Anonymouse That's all I have for today!! Love you all!!
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Well best of luck to you with this tall dark and handsome guy.