Listening to: Mortal combat
Feeling: giddy
Wow I remember when this website used to be the happanen thing in my day. How times does fly and things get older. Speaking of getting older it was my birthday this week! YAY! I'm 19 now, which is awesome! Today is going to be great! I can feeeeel it! I have mine and jills party and Daniel is coming up from salt lake to see me! Woot!!! I gots myself a puppy and he's amazingly cute! Jill gave it to me. His name is Juno. I love him! Anyway, have a great one everybody who still goes to this website! ~Britney Francis~
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i was 19 a year ago ha.

happy belated birthday :]
HAPPY BURFDAY!!! I'm still here...one of the few....*shrug* Love ya!
congrats on the puppy and on being 19