89-Why me!!!! hehe

Feeling: defiant
Did you know that everyone pretty much either has a boyfriend or a girlfriend except for me? I mean, I don't want one right now because I promised myself that I wouldn't have another boyfriend until after highschool, but the jealousy is kicking in. I miss being held and kissed and loved! I miss being with someone who makes me SO happy!!!! I Want that, but I can't! Isn't that just stupid!!! I just found out that Haleigh Hafslund and Jason Gnehm (my first boyfriend) are now together, and she has a picture up of the two of them on her msn in an open medow hugging................I WANT THAT!!!!! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! *giggle* But seriously I do, but I can't!!! And besides, I doubt guys like me right now. It just doesn't happen when you live CLEAR IN THE HECK IN RICHMOND!!!!! So, I'll continue to want, but never get! #1: Because I've already promised my self I wouldn't! #2: I live in Richomond! *scoffs* and #3: I don't have luck with guys! But I'll live.........maybe ~Britney Francis~
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Girl, I know how you feel, teehee. I've been beating myself up all week, because for the first time ever, I thought I was ready to have a boyfriend, and the one guy who I thought was there... wasn't. So.. if it means anything, I feel for ya. Trust me though. Heavenly Father has an AMAZING guy lined up for you. The patience it takes to find him... that makes him all the more worth waiting.

I love you! -Kaylee
guys are not worth your time! danget, forget them and live! and, while you're on that streak, eat lots of ice cream!!!!!! i love you! -johanna
*hug* I know how you feel babe. That's how it is in band too. You're awesome.
I don't have a boyfriend. Guys don't like me. Oh well! Being loved is nice, but it'll come at the right time. Love you!
Well if it makes you feel better, I don't have either a boyfriend or a friend!!! lol
well i'll be your hot person... but no kisses... sorry i don't do that. But i'll always give you a hug when you want one! Loves
Guys are so silly in high school.
It's not worth spending your time wishing over.
Your prince will come and he will be better than any guy you've ever known. Just be patient...