we have a three day weekend and it's been going pretty good..Last night I went out to dinner with my dad and then went to say goodbye to dan cuz he was leaving for DC for a few days and he looked so good and I didnt want him to leave :(...but then I went over to elyses with the girls then we went to this kids house that i dont think likes me very much but he had some people over and it was a good time..then we all went back to elyses, that is me, molly, steph, sara, and amanda...we had a good time, we just talked and ate raw cookie dough then we watched the notebook and I watched the whole thing till like 4 in the morning and I was balling like a little baby it was so sad...then today I relaxed the whole day and then went to practice which sucked but oh well and now maybe we might have another sleepover this time at mollys??...well Im gonna go figure out plans..i'll write later
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