Quick Entry

Yesterday was a boring day..babysat my brother then slept and later watched a movie and studied for math. Steph and I had a talk about certain things and even though we've always been close we're getting to be even better friends which is cool. Dan and i didnt see eachother yesterday but later at night we talked online for like an hour and everything was good and he was being nice and it just makes me happier when it can be good like that even though the night before he kinda made me me feel bad but whatever, neither of us are perfect. Had my math final today and i dont think i did too good. It was pretty hard I though i didnt know 2 questions so i just made them up and now im just praying for the best. I got an 88 on my french regents so I was pumped for that and tomorrow i have global which im gonna suck at so I better go and get studying..I'll write again tomorrow...
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