Listening to: does silence count????
Feeling: amused
well i got my first piece of hatemail through this diary and it was hilarious... some chic got mad heated over some crap i said and wrote me like 4 times and even wrote a paragraph about the situation... i feel special... i figured i'll pay back the favor and write about her too... so i did and now im done...
i haven't slept in more then 30 hours and although i was tired early on, now im good... i went to the DMV to get my state ID, but the chic at the counter told me i have to get a new birth certificate cause mine was all broken up... whatevers... it happens, im not gonna stress it... at least i got fresh air for ones in awhile (although i dont know if u can call new york air fresh)...
let me add another pic of my youth...
i was the cutest baby with the biggest forehead... my mom said i never slept then neither... i tricked them into thinking i was asleep and when they were on their way to the door, i stood up smiling... thats cool... when i was a baby, i always did crazy sh!t... once i was in my walker and i ran straight down the stairs... i didn't get hurt though... then this other time i was sitting on the window ledge on the 6th floor and the people downstairs were yelling and all nervous... im alive though... then all the time i went to the mall with my mom, i hid and scared her sh!tless... this all happened b4 the age of 3... i guess even from a young age, i was a little psycho... as u can see from all my young pics... i also never let my mom do my hair... lol........ =~P

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