
Feeling: conflicted
Today my friend is piercing my labret (lip)... That’s if I don't wuss out though... Not that I'm scared of the pain or anything, I just don't like holes put in my face... I'm getting it under my lip, in the center... I want a hoop... Last time I pierced my face (my eyebrow), the ring ripped off and now I got a scar and that sucks ass!!! Anyway, I’ll have it right under my lip so if I take it off, it’s gonna be kinda hidden by my lip... Now some dumbness... My boyfriend said if I get the piercing, he’s gonna break up with me... And basically since I don't like being told what to do and I hate even more being threatened, I'm getting it anyway... If he dumps me, then he's just an ass! And I don't want to be associated with humans like that anyway... IT’S A FUCKING PIERCING!!! NOT LIKE I'M TATTOOING MY FACE!!! IT’S MAD SMALL!!! WHATEVERS!!! Yeah, I’m kinda mad he told me that shit... FUCKING IGNORANT! BLAH! So after today I might be single... ESO PASA! The only thing that has me a little iffy about the piercing is that I’m looking for a job and most jobs don’t allow face piercings... Stupid jobs and there rules!!! I’m still fucking pissed he told me that crap... *ROLLS EYES*
Read 8 comments
yah i think thats it. you are right. hehe.
tell your boyfriend that it is fun to make out with someone who has a lip ring. my boyfriend got his done (although he did not get his labret but his lip) and it was so entertaining. its just something to play with. just a suggestion. good luck with the piercing.
well i hope things go ok. i'm sorry he doesn't share your interest of facial piercings. i wish he did. they are great fun. [wink] i should know. [wink] that wasn't meant to be stalker-ish or anything. i was talking about my bf. just so i don't creep you out or anything.
I think we're all guilty of juding books by their cover. A perfect example is JOBS. I mean...does it really matter if you have a facial piercing or not. Or is it simply about physical appearance. We're so distracted by looks that the real goals go unreached because we're an appearance first kind of people.

Oh...and get the piercing. If he cares for you, he'll get over it quick! And these threats are not a good sign, they can only get worse.
Yay lip piercings. Boo silly boyfriends. But yeah go for it. It will be rad.
fuck yeah follow your own rules nobodys as perfect as jesus
Well, arent you special? Actually, its kinda impressive because most people are too stupid to know how to get around those things.
well fuck yeah he's just like him

Hey whats ^??? I dont know who u r but I decided to write 2 u....well ya I dont know what to say so l8er