Today my friend is piercing my labret (lip)... That’s if I don't wuss out though... Not that I'm scared of the pain or anything, I just don't like holes put in my face... I'm getting it under my lip, in the center... I want a hoop... Last time I pierced my face (my eyebrow), the ring ripped off and now I got a scar and that sucks ass!!! Anyway, I’ll have it right under my lip so if I take it off, it’s gonna be kinda hidden by my lip...
Now some dumbness... My boyfriend said if I get the piercing, he’s gonna break up with me... And basically since I don't like being told what to do and I hate even more being threatened, I'm getting it anyway... If he dumps me, then he's just an ass! And I don't want to be associated with humans like that anyway... IT’S A FUCKING PIERCING!!! NOT LIKE I'M TATTOOING MY FACE!!! IT’S MAD SMALL!!! WHATEVERS!!! Yeah, I’m kinda mad he told me that shit... FUCKING IGNORANT! BLAH! So after today I might be single... ESO PASA!
The only thing that has me a little iffy about the piercing is that I’m looking for a job and most jobs don’t allow face piercings... Stupid jobs and there rules!!!
I’m still fucking pissed he told me that crap... *ROLLS EYES*
THE BF........
tell your boyfriend that it is fun to make out with someone who has a lip ring. my boyfriend got his done (although he did not get his labret but his lip) and it was so entertaining. its just something to play with. just a suggestion. good luck with the piercing.
Oh...and get the piercing. If he cares for you, he'll get over it quick! And these threats are not a good sign, they can only get worse.