I haven't really written here much lately cause I'm using my dude as kind of a diary. Since I don't get to see him anymore, I write to him and tell him about my day and stuff I would usually put here. I also got a new online friend who I write like 2 page letters to and she does the same, so after all that writing, SitD has been neglected.
My bad...
I gave myself a new bedtime that none of my humans understand. I got bored of being the only one awake late at night, so now I head to bed at 11pm and wake up at 10am. I only brake my new bedtime at random moments when I'm outside with people, but not too often and not by a lot. I'm also getting used to waking up in the morning, so when school starts I don't have to keep going late or missing classes because I didn't feel like waking up.
If ya wanna check out my myspaces, they are:
So yeah...
And stuff...
That's good that you don't usually break it. I'm totally going to add you on myspace, do you use both of those? My myspace is www.myspace.com/rockererin
Yeah I know what u mean...sometimes I will write a poem that everyone loves, but it juzt dosen't seem good enough to me, so I end up trashing it and everyone gets pissed lol.