
I have to let go, two and this one's even harder? longer more stronger devastating under my circumstances but god... how can I think of this when there are people in africa dying of diseases and woman in pakistan getting raped purely cuz they can and i fall on my knees not knowing if i can get up and live through my own tragedies I can't go on but how do they? when they have less than I?? help me be more selfless i am withering in my own two faced world...
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i sure hope i make her happy. and sooooooon. im lonly! :/ lurvingly *big hug*
and being "spoild" or "stuck up" or whatever you wana call it is not your fault. it has nothing to do with you, actualy. you can feel as bad as you want but you cant change it till collage+later.

its your parents fault. period.
shit sucks. rawr. life, full of shit.