I rock hardcore

Feeling: resigned
4.45pm I have been feeling really great recently. I have been better at really being truthful with people, and with God. Not that it exactly makes much difference because He knows already, but I don't really want to lie to Him. I could never get used to the capital letters at the beginning of Him and His when referring to God or Jesus. I don't know why, but I never saw why he should get special grammatical treatment. I suppose now I see why, but it's still hard to type a capital letter every time. Today was a good day, despite the lessons. Latin, Geography, PE, French and Biology. Still, there was some good socialising going on. I feel very spititual at the moment. Which is good, because I hadn't been all that great recently. I mean, I've been great the past week or so but before that. I always feel guilty when I'm not 'holy' enough or something. Like when I was baptised and I was more worried about the water I was dripping everywhere than the fact that I had just been 'born again'. I guess that night is a good example of my faith as well. I got home and I did my French homework. My faith always seems to go on hold for life, and perhaps it should be the other way around?
Read 7 comments
latin sounds fun
socialism is all good
here's what i say...loves never real until you find that one real love. but...it's always fun to be in almost love.

Crumbs is Ok...not my favourite though. I love Yaweh though...Its so...nice. But the accoustic/live is better then the CD version.

Bittersweet Symphony too?
Damn girl.
Your taste in music rocks.

The Verve rock.
I love that song.

And latin sucks.
Teresa, you have a way with words. I feel the same way about faith. If I didn't have to attend church I probably wouldn't, but when I think about it I feel like I am sinning.
At least you take time out of your day to think about faith.
Not the strongest bieliever - Katherine
Thank you for welcoming me :o)

You not doing a few things doesn't mean anything because "God" knows all and you're being truthful to him by believing in him. Seems like a rough schedule ... Miss you terribly [waiting4u]
[♥] erin