I need something more substantial

Feeling: curious
10.31am All the stuff about my baptism is on my other diary. Well, there isn't much, but if you want to know anything then it'll be there. Hey, when the guy who took the photos emails them to me you may even be lucky to get a picture of me dunked in a small swimming pool. I feel quite lonely this morning. Lonely and tired. But I'm not really in a socialising mood so I don't really know what I want to do. I'm just being awkward. It's Oli's birthday, and even though she doesn't read this, I'm going to say Happy Birthday to her anyway. I slept over Becky's last night which was fun. We went to her youth group the night before and it was pizza night. I like pizza... I'm not really sure what else to say, so for now you can do with a short entry and when I do have something to talk about (whether worthwhile, or interesting, or not) then I will come back and write and essay on it for you.
Read 4 comments
How did you get that background?? I like your picture thingie too thats great!! Thankies for the comment & thankies for the congrats!! i'm going thru this alone & its not fun... remember: school, college, marriage, THEN BABIES *lmao*... sorry i preach cuz i'm 20 & preg wit baby#2 & i'm going thru this 1 alone like i did wit my son, its not fun...
I'm totally gonna go read about your baptism.

I was happy in that picture
pizza rocks my socks. what kind of pizza?
thanks for the compliment.
and yeah, self worth is probably one of the nicest feelings.

congrats on your baptism, that's so awesome. I'm glad it was amazing.