Gee Whiz

2.20pm I feel quiet, not because of a chosen state, but because I am in the library. I am supposed to be writing that English essay that I was supposed to be writing during my last entry, but we've had an extension of the deadline until next Tuesday and I was going to write it all tonight anyway. The sound of lots of people typing is soothing. Well, I think it's kind of office sounds: buzzing computers, the occasional photocopier. I have no idea why I find this so normal and soothing. The silence I find quite oppressive, but there's a weird part of me that likes not having to talk sometimes. My throat hurts, because when I do say something I whisper. No wonder the librarian has a permanent whisper. She must have one heck of a sore throat all the time. We were talking about boyfriends at lunch today, and how Cat doesn't need one to be happy. I do. Well, I don't think I do, all I need is guys to like me and I am relatively Ok with myself, which makes me happy. There are other factors, obviously, but I tend to simplify things in my mind and therefore you get a very simplified explanation. Cat, however, has boys who like her. So if we (somehow) took them away, would she still be as happy? Who knows? Well we wouldn't do that anyway, because we don't want to make Cat unhappy, so whatever works for her should stay the same. We were also talking about everyone's brothers, but that conversation got far too distasteful for my liking.
Read 4 comments
I love double bass.. and really intense music. It soothes me. I'm not too fond of photocopiers or things of that nature.. Tends to make me nervous.
i love the header picture :]
yes its getting shorter by the day but he called me today and i miss him as the days go on
I don't think I know anyone who doesn't want to loose weight. And as soon as I am finished with this comment, I am adding you as a friend =]
im guessing you have a brother?
is he considered hot by your friends?
i am completely &absolutely in love with the way you write.
If you wrote a book, i would buy it.