Of the soul

Feeling: clueless
11.29am My cousins go home to Brunei today. They have been here since the 9th December and it'll be odd without them. I'll miss them a lot. I guess this year I can keep in contact with them via email and MSN more than I have in previous years though. I might not be able to go over my friend's house (where a lot of other people are going) because my mum's decided she doesn't want to be on her own and my grandparents are going away for the weekend. You know that feeling where you want to go, not only because it will be good, but because you don't want to be the left out one? Yeah, I have that feeling right now. It's selfish, because I know some people in our friendship group weren't invited, but I still really want to go. The annoying thing is if mum had told me earlier I probably could have done it at my house instead because I have pretty much a free house apart from mum (and she doesn't care all that much). I'm going to a friend's party on the 20th, and I'm quite worried about it. In her words, when I consume any amounts of alcohol I turn into "a maniac who jumps on boys". Which is quite worrying, because I am going with this whole 'no sex before marriage' malarky (that was kind of sarcastic, I do wish to do it) and there's going to be a guy there who's two years older than me (so are most people there, the friend is too) and I tend to hook up with him quite a lot. Mind you, he has also said the same thing as me, because he is also a Christian. However, I don't really want to do anything else. Another guy there said he'd look after me, but then proceeded to tell me he'd 'buy me condoms' because he'd just be completely wasted anyway. That's great. Maybe padlocked iron pants are the answer?
Read 3 comments
yeah, so do I.
but that's not what I'm talking about.

I actually think there is a place where you can get custom made chasity belts**laughs hysterically**
hey man, there's nothing wrong with having sex. Just don't do it with randoms, that sucks.

for me it's meaningful. And yes it probably does sound weird for a guy to say that. But maybe tha'ts coz i'm a virgin :P

