Avast Ye!!!

Feeling: abnormal
Inform Admiral Spiggot that his daughter is now in the hands of the infamous pirate Atomic Jolt, captian of the legendary sea cruiser Caffeine of the Seas. He shall have his daughter returned to him when he pays the ransom of 10,000 bottles of Jolt. This price is insignificant compared to the slave-capable duties a fine daughter possesses. Beware that the Atomic Jolt takes no prisoners, destroys all lives, and cleans his hands after using the restroom every time. His evil has toppled entire civilizations and decimated worlds no one has heard of. He has no weaknesses, failings, or drawbacks. He is the ultimate sea warrior. It is as thought the gods of the ocean brought him forth with a single intent in this world: the drinking of every Jolt flavor known and unknown to man.
Read 8 comments
You've gone over the edge, AJ...

Wow, have you been taking your medications?

RavenNiyati - not signed in -
hehe. =)
lmao whatever kinda shit your smoking please dont pass it to me.
yeah im agnostic too but more tward the atheist side of agnostic :)
hahah i looked at your title really fast and i wasnt concentrating and i htought it said anal yeast. hahah. just thought id share that with you. heh
Yeah, what the hell are you smoking buddy? Talk about some dimented sheeeit, why don't you act like that more often?