Hey Kids

Feeling: genki

"Joey, you ever been in a Turkish prison?" This is me, with my system running at minimal power. I hate computers, but sometimes it's a little too apparent how often I go on it or how attached I've become to it. I think my cold turkey time away has proven a good thing. I'm supposed to go to some party tonight. I just hope I have a good time and am not a suckass like I usually am. PARTY!! Mehopes I will have fun and scam with some drunk chick. :P And I got some wheels to put on the Mustang whilst I work on the front brakes and rear axle. Then hopefully this month soon I'll get those new rims and all will be right in the universe. More or less I guess as can be for a person of my standing in the scheme of things. I'm going to make myself have a good time gosh darnit. News at 11.

~-=Quote Of The Day=-~ "Anarchy - it's not the law, it's just a good idea." --Unknown
Read 9 comments
Thanks for your help. Good luck with your scam? lol
Good god, links to all the listening tos, someone out there must be very bored.
You really learn something new every day.
Will now go and learn about the 5 secrets to looking and feeling younger.
Funny things, those ads.
I will kick your meow meow boot cat so far it will have to eat itself for food--oh wait that was really mean wasn't it? Sorry.

Have fun at your party---If I'[m there and drunk don't scam me!! Or I will scam you back the next day.
GET YOUR ASS ONLINE RIGHT NOW, MR!!! Lolz....i'll be sad...

thanks, you are cool!
thank you for your comments, they where very nice, we need more people like you, Mr. Grin. long live the king.
Mmmmmm muuuuuustaaaange.
Hey, I read your last entry, I wanted to go to ComicCon so bad. Anyways, I just had to say that I dressed up as Harley Quinn for Halloween last year. I don't know how stupid that may sound, but I sure do feel stupid. Anyways, later.