Moonlight naked dancing. That is what I live for! :-P
awe! cute phrase! im lovin it! lol
aw, how sweet (=
i like it
by the way

twas me

where are you???????


no its a good quote- but kinda sounds like u ripped it off someone else's quote (or a pick-up line)- cuz ive heard like 10 diff versions... but applause for creativity...... effort...? lol :)
isn't my comment picture lovely?
hey i like your quote... "The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince humankind that he did not exist."
haha honestly.. it's a lil corny... but SWEET! really sweet. hahah if u said that to me i'd just have to kiss ya! haha
awww. its cheesy good. hehe. :D
Your going to make some nice girl feel all mushy inside. heh.
lmao That would be handy.
:-) I wish you lived nearby because I always need help in the kitchen. And caffeinated beverages! Yay!
Okay... :-) How bout you...I dunno. I'm bored too. I think I'm going to eat a waffle. That could be exciting, right? :-)
lmao Are you bored now?
:-) You lead, sir. lol
thats cute!
lmao :-) Clothes? Who needs clothes?! :-P
Why are you bored? :-) You could... read a book or... go to a movie or... dance around madly through your house... :-)
I wasn't using html so I guess it's the revamping. Thanks! :-) So, how are you today?
Hi. :-) Hey, I have a question. I just tried to post a new entry but it says something about the columns not matching something or other. Does yours do that?
ok maybe not
it's like a pick up line.
Its cheesy. The kind of quote that just didn't make it in a card.

*thumbs up* Its all goodness with extra cheese.
cheesy good 'thumbs up'
Haha, cute.

+ Feed.My.Squirrel +
I love cheesey goodness. :-)
LIKE FROZEN BURRITOS!! haha! whoa i just got that.
its cheesy good. =D.