Oogie Boogie

Feeling: sweaty

Today did seem surreal. Everything just took on a grayish tone and nothing was quite as bright as usual. The day to me looked like a 3-D image without the glasses. It was blurred, distorted, and felt like it wasn't really there. I was in one of my "I'm in a TV show" moods I guess. Everything just looked like I was out of my body, looking at some cheap-ass sitcom that wasn't funny at all. What a lame state of mind to be in on such a nice day. I blame it on hypoglycemia. Damn sugar-depraved cells. I'll kill you all. Starting with you.

Quote Of The Day "Exit, pursued by a bear." William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), Stage direction in "The Winter'sTale"

Read 13 comments
You can't kill me, I'm invincible today. You can try tomorrow though, if you like. :-P

"I blame it on hypoglycemia. Damn sugar-depraved cells. I'll kill you all."

It is not the hypoglycemia. It is, in fact...the altitude.

i always get that way when i'm really stoned, like, "whoa, i'm totally on a tv show." or "whoa, this room looks like it should be in a catalog"
days like that are awesome.
i accept. i think we're perfect for each other.
I understand how you feel about being in a cheap TV show. :-) Those kind of days can be fun too.
lol Ass-grabbing hugs are the best ;-)
being hungry makes you like that huh? When I get that hungry I just feel horribly sick. That's why you should make sure you get enough to eat!! I don't know how anorexic people do it. Its hard.
i'm hoping you didn't actually read the whole thing.

hypoglycemia is fun. sugar does a lot.
I'm glad someone appreciates my good grammar.
That is a pet peeve of mine...bad grammar.
Damn I hate days like that. I normally just sleep them away! lol. Otta try it sometime! Rock on!
dude, you like jolt cola and blink182. i think we'd get along nicely

Oh man, that quote is awesome. :D Haha Shakespeare was so ... descriptive with his stage directions. LoL

Pees. ~*Kristina