Fast Women & Slow Gin

Feeling: eccentric
Time for another entry I suppose. Another pseudointellectual ramble of how people are stupid and how life is incomplete without a person to share it with. No!! I've made too many of those already. I'm thinking about becoming a school teacher and teach auto shop. And on the side, after hours, I could work on restoring classics, specifically, Mustangs. Mild mannered perverted high school auto teacher by day, mad car scientist by night. Mwahahaha!!!
"It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better... while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more." -Woody Allen (1935 - ) "The only chemically balanced people in this world are insane." -myself

Still looking for Mrs. Joltbloodedpsycho.

-=Addendum=- Looking though my pics and thought I'd put up my engine pic again for showing off reasons mainly.
Read 23 comments
a tease? i guess you could say that, haha, who knows.

and yes, a world without pervs WOULD be a world without dirty thoughts. but, honestly, if we got rid of all the "true" pervs, would there be anyone left?

i think not.

Mild mannered pervert. The best kind!!!
Who likes those ill mannered perverts? They are so rude!!
that's quite an engine


??? don't ask me what that means

-the godfisher

that's me

if you stop looking, she'll come
's usually how those things work, ;]

be well
niice (=
Hehe, thanks.
You're so great.

+ Feed.My.Squirrel +
haha, i didn't know this. its possible i will use it to my advantage from now on! =D. and: non selfishness is goodness!
wow... guys are easy targets. haha. just pull in a little ego bursts and your being offered the moon and the stars. haha. =D. (i will take that moon, with the yellow glow and all!)
*sniff sniff* nope, you smell like penut butter, and penut butter is damn good stuff.

and for ego purposes, here it comes again: that is a majorly... cool... engine.
hahaha. you would be the perverted teacher at school, that everyone whispered about in the hallway.. haha. j/k. or am i? hehe. You will find someone, I know you will. You're a nice guy, so I know you will. Everyone that I have said that too, has eventually found someone. So consider that a good luck charm, b/c I said so.
man, that engine is... cool? (is that proper car talk? probably not. haha). and yes: but i find that recently, its more the pervy girls that are keeping me popular than the boys, haha. but, yea, this counterfeit "popularity" does hit the spot. haha.
haha... my point is officially proven. nothing sais "agreed" like a good head scratching. =D.
i'll be mrs.joltbloddedpsycho!!! hahaha
dude: i just might take you up on that offer someday. nothing better than getting under the hood of that car? haha (lies all lies, i dont know ANYTHING. except of cource how to check the oil on my white panther haha). well... the perv guys on this site are my friends, haha, what would the world be without them?
what ever makes you happy, will make me happy.

hola amigo.

than we will bring your car if we can. if we can't i understand. where in europe shall we go? germany? since i know a lil german but am learning more... or france, since my family is from there... hmm or another country?
The mild mannered perverts are the best kind of teachers. But could you stand all the kids that sit there and just stare at you and say "I don't care"? It'd drive me mad in a week.
mad car scientist by night. that would be a dream come true. (if only i knew smack diddly about fixing cars) but you could so create a new frankenstein type car. that would make my day. and yes: does seem like im getting awful popular. but its ok... i will update, and go back to those wonderful days of lonliness. =D.
if it's warm there, i'll go. i hate cold. spankings=good. hahahah but when i'm old enuff i'm movin too europe. so you have ur choice to come with me or stay. haha
hahah. i live in nc. that's far away. hahhahah. uhh...... i don't know i think u'd be to skared to meet me. i'm a skarey person.
date: now
time: now

haha. maybe we should have a vegas weeding. hahah i said weeding. haha spazam. or we should have a wedding in a.. uhhh at the beach. and i have a pretty black lace dress i can wear for the wedding. lol. it's pretty. hahaha.

lol... jolt
