6:33 PM Man I'm friggin bored. The whole family went out earlier, and my dad left me in charge if finished laundry. Woo. Ugh...but things this past week haven't been too boring. Hung out with John and Linds a while, and John stayed over here for a few days. That was pretty fun. But now I don't really know what to do with myself. I've already finished off part six of my story, and I'm either going to leave it where it is, or keep going with it. I dunno. If I do keep going with it I need ideas for a continuing storyline, so hopefully I'll think of something quick. But yeah... Today is a friggin crappy day. Yesterday was so nice outside, and today is like...ugh. I wish it was decent outside, that'd give me something to do. But yesterday was an interesting day. Hung out with Andrew. We were walking around and he found a golf club, so I got mine and we golfed beyond the construction field. But when that was finished he found ten bucks lying on the ground, which we used when we went to Macs. It was friggin awesome. But we went there, and we bought one of the best drinks I've ever had. Coca-Cola Blak. It was coffee mixed with Coke. It was the best thing I've ever had to drink. But yeah. We had enough for two bags of Roast Chicken chips...and two more Coca-Cola Blak's, so that's what we bought. It was the best! I had such a sugar rush after downing two of those drinks that I was hyper for the whole freakin day, and I was up really late last night. But yeah. I went out to dinner with the 'rents after I came home, and I had another large Coke, so I was friggin wired lol. It was friggin awesome. But I'm out for now. Make sure you guys try Coca-Cola Blak. Its amazing. Later.
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Meh, that day was alright. Then the next day things kept going wrong. But today was really sweet. :) -L