Listening to: Orion - Metallica
Feeling: empty
9:44 PM Well, it has been a rough day. Not during school, 'cause that was perfectly fine. Nothing too exciting, except some stuff I had to do in class, and an American History test. That's about it really. For school anyways. When I got home everything seemed okay, but when dinner rolled around, my grandma came into the kitchen and announced that my mom was in the hospital. Apparently something happened at work and she was taken there, and my grandma left right then to go see if she was okay. Shaken, I ate my dinner in peace until my sis decided to be a jackass about it and I kinda snapped at her. Wasn't intentional, but she was being a bitch. Music Change: King Nothing - Metallica But I played guitar for a while to take my mind off it, and my dad called from Nashville about half an hour ago, and he seemed angry at my grandma's lack of information concerning my mom's condition. But I told him I'd get her to call him as soon as she got back. She isn't back yet. She should've been home over three hours ago. I'm worried, but I know she's fine. She's on her way home anyways, so hopefully she'll get home soon. But that's enough for today.
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omg, what's wrong with your mom? hope she's okay. seirously.
here's hoping she's good.