
a quiet tension struggles over me I'm counting your pelvic thrusts as I stare at the ceiling fake an orgasm... yeah you think you're the one but I'm insanely aware of what you're not that we work so well together because we're both lost I'm damaged I'm still not done thawing from that year 1982 put his hands all over me and smothered me until I eventually stopped breathing so that I could stare at your pretty face without any interuption but the love we once SHARED turned stale in it's corruption can't we go back sometimes into old ecstacy when all those pretty colors presented that cure-all remedy you screamed I love you so loud it's deafening but I wont listen because I know it's a dream just your sick little way to reel me in but can't shake that feeling I was wrong dead stare open but I know he spoke truth how do you say sorry to someone who really knows you you can breath... he'll know it's you i've been all wrong he still loves you
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hi ana joni we 7ebeb ete3arraf 3alaykon iza fi ajell ok we hayda imailli( nater ellmeseggggg ok yalllllaaaa beyyyyyyyyyyy