Either/or... or both!
This one seems to be popular... Coke or Pepsi?:Coke
Candy preferences... sweet or sour?:Sweet
Graduation or GED?:??
College or work?:work
SAT or ACT?:??
Play an instrument or listen to them being played?:both
Make art or observe art?:make but observe too
Beer or wine?:wine
Beer or hard liquor?:hard liquor
Phone conversations or talk in person?:person
IM conversations or talk on the phone?:phone!!
Winamp or Windows Media Player (or other...specify)?:quicktime
Lawyer or attorney?:lawyer
Doctor or physician?:doc
Sun or rain?:sun!
Snow or sleet?:snow...
Christmas or halloween?:Christmas
Another popular one... rock or rap?:RAP
Keep answering questions, or end survey?:ok continue
If you chose keep answering questions, go on. If not, please exit.
Sofa or loveseat?:Loveseat
Recliner or rocking chair?:recliner
Slow songs or fast songs?:slow
Which are you... tall or short?:tall ish
Which would you prefer?:tall ish
City or country?:CITY
Friends... dudes or ladies?:both
Love interests... dudes or ladies?:dudes
Love or money?:love!!!
Pirates or conmen?:Conmen
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The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay.
What comes to mind when you hear..
..summer love?:Grease
..Juan?:Jos� diem
..New Found Glory?:jukebox
..placebo?:drugs juice?:melon
..candid camera?:smile
..duuude?:where's my car
..the end?:story
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*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[relationship status]:Single
[shoe size]:10
[parents still together]:?
[color]:Red, pink, blue, green, yellow, all of them!
[time of year]:Summer
[type of weather]:Sunny and warm
[food/drink]:spaghetti, milk
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]:yeah
[have any tattoos]:no
[cheat on tests]:don't take them anymore
[like scary movies]:no
[like cleaning]:hell no
[know how to drive a standard]:no
[own a cell phone]:Yes
[collect anything]:everything
[been in a fist fight]:no
[considered a life of crime]:yes
[considered being a hooker]:no!
[been in love]:no
[made out with just a friend]:yeah
[hurt someone you love]:yea
[kicked someone in the nuts]:Yes!
[song you are in love with]:what you know - t.i.
[cd in your stereo]:none
[thing you ought to be doing]:getting ready to go outside and find another job, but it's too cold outside!
[first crush]:William
[first kiss]:Simon
[first love]:---
[do you believe in love at first sight]:no...
[do you believe in "the one"]:yeah...
[are you a tease]:.... somewhat
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]:Yes
[a daydreamer]:yes
[up tight or laid back]:laid back
[messy or organized]:messy
[shy our outgoing]:a bit of both
[nervous habits]:bite my cuticles
[are you double jointed]:no
[can you roll your tongue]:yeah
[do you make your bed daily]:hell no
[which shoe goes on first]:right
[bought something]:yes
[been sick]:nnoooo
[missed someone]:yes
[gotten drunk]:yes
[gotten a haircut]:no
[watched cartoons]:don't remember... probably
[been kissed]:no....
[you spent the night with]:probably Tom
[spent the night with you]:what, at my house? nobody
[saw you cry]:Viv
[made you cry]:My mom
[you said "i love you" to]:My mom
[told you they loved you]:My mom
[the best feeling in the world]:kissing somone you really like
[the worst feeling in the world]:being misunderstood
[your greatest fear]:being alone forever
[the thing you want most in life]:fall in love
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pick 12 friends :D
Friend 1:Viv
Friend 2:Myriam
Friend 3:Shawna
Friend 4:Philip
Friend 5:Tam
Friend 6:Genevieve
Friend 7:Fresh
Friend 8:Melissa
Friend 9:Olivier
Friend 10:Manny
Friend 11:Mel
Friend 12:Nathania
4 the full effect of this dont look @the questions til u fill in ur friends
Okay...why did you put Friend 1 first?:She's the one i hang out with the most
...Friend 12 last?:I forgot about her even though i'm on the phone with her right now
what do you think 3 is wearing right now?:umm her Cafe vienne uniform
have you ever had a crush on 7?:No
what is most attractive about 4?:his car lol
what is least attractive about 11?:Nothing she's beautiful
how did you meet 9?:At my survey job
if you had to label 2, what would you label them as?:dork
have you ever kissed 6?:No!
where do you usually go to meet 5?:copa
what could you see 10 doing for a living?:Superhero!
is 8 a model?:no
what song describes 5?:
do you think 3 could kill someone?:No
what do you and 12 like to do together?:drink
does 9 look like a girl or a boy?:boy...
does 1 play any video games?:maybe sometimes
has/would 10 have a hardcore makeout session with you?:He would, but... no gonna happen
what flavor ice cream does 4 like?:i don't know
has 2 ever broken someones heart?:doubt it
do you think 8 would rather have a million$ or their one true love?:one true love
have you seen 7 with their shirt off?:yes
would you/do you trust 6's driving skills?:yeah she has experience
if you and 11 were locked in a closet, what would you do?:talk about boys all night
how often do you talk to 4?:Never anymore
do you want 3's body?:Nah i like mine
you and 10 are stranded on an island. How would 10 try to save yourselves?:Some crazy way... build a boat maybe, or make a walkie talkie
what stores does 8 get their clothes from?:i imagine limit� & shit like that
on a scale of 1-10, how hot is 1?:7
do you know who is 11's crush?:No i don't see her often enough
if you could change one thing about 6, what would it be?:She called me more often
are you/do you want to be dating 2?:Nope
what annoys you the most about 9?:He doesn't realize how good looking he is
what is the best thing 5 has done for you?:tough one... taught me about life and guys
if 7 were a resturant, which would they be and why?:McDonald's cause she loves it
do you know any dirty secrets of 12's?:too many
at your wedding, what would 11 be doing?:maid of Honor!
what is 8 afraid of?:People thinking she's not good enough
what animal should 1 be and why?:dog, she's friendly and cute and will do tricks for attention
what would you do in bed with 4?:cuddle and kiss maybe
tell me a joke that has to do with 9.:well he was once hitting on a girl and started sweating like crazy... not really a joke but kinda funny
what do you think 10 is thinking right now?:how he can stop bad guys
what is the worst thing 7 could do to you?:talk behind my back i guess
would 3 be hot as the opposite gender?:mmm probly not
is 12 going to read this? why or why not?:no i said she was annoying
when you first saw 6, what thought ran through your head?:She's so pretty and seems so fun and nice
do you trust 2 with your deepest secrets?:deepEST? no, but deep, yes
would 2 make a good teacher?:yeah
do you have a picture of 5?:Yep aLOT
1 looks like:a drug addict
2 acts like:a desperate loser
3 could have been:a model
4 is:an awful jerk i can't help have feelings for
5 should:grow up and stop being ghetto
6 will be:really successful
7 makes me:feel good
8 is a:nice girl
9 isnt:very confident
10 wants to:Save the world
11 has no:reason to be unhappy
12 has:a drinking problem
What comes to mind...when i mention
7:good style
10:sweet adorable person
12:annoying and talks too much
8:amazing eyes
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