
Well i'm friggin bored... i should be working right now but i'm stupid so i'm not. I'm eating ice cream, waiting for V or at least somebody to call to hang out. I called her earlier and she said "maybe later" cause right now she feels like shit cause she has cramps. Erg... I'm feeling so down these days. Maybe XL will want to do something. He called me yesterday but i was too tired to go out. fuck i feel like crap. But i think that it's in these times that i become more focused on my future and do the most for myself, becoming more productive and driven. It's also in these times that i do irrational things like hooking up with a mistake or calling people that i shouldn't be calling. But anyways, so far nothing is happening. I'm just being depressed and eating ice cream. I feel like getting wasted tonight. Off something delicious like Sangria. And hooking up with someone hot. but no. But.... o no.
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