I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions...

Listening to: AFI- Chicken Song
Feeling: blah
First of all, I think its hilarious how when people say something mean on a comment 9 times out of 10 it is anonymous. You know who you are. Anyway, so much has happened since the last time I wrote a real entry its not even funny. Me and Josh broke up. It was a long time coming I think. I'm not too shaken up by it. I just wish there was someone else for me. There is someone at school who I have a chance liking that way but I never see him anymore except for a passing hello in the halls and I don't even know if he has a girlfriend or not. It seems like I can't do anything right anymore. I saw Van Helsing yesterday. It was allright except for the horrid acting. People at school make me want to scream as usual. I have to do a school project and I don't feel like it. I dyed my hair yesterday, it was supposed to be black with marroon undertones but it ended up being dark dark reddish brown. I like it anyway. Why are you even reading this? God my life is so boring its pathetic. I thought I had something interesting to write. If I did I have forgotten it now.
Read 9 comments
anonymous mean people are just wusses.

i thought it was i'm a wishful thinker with the worst addictions
Everyone's lives are boring- doing worry about it!

Dude- I know how you feel about the whole "anonymous" thing! I'd say more 9.5 out of ten...but i suppose its a give or take thing lol.

Thnx. for saying that. You're so great. Love ya.--
Now I feel really guilty, if that could be the emotion to be coined, that I have Gary in my life and people like you and others have no great guy or significant other. And I do not say this to make you feel any worse, no it is making me feel horrible inside. How anonymous comments bother me so, you should make it so only people have to leave signed notes, it is what I did after the many I had to delete for I did not want to read their stupidity.
I feel in the talking mood, so I will go on with more comments to you, to show that I care? The Chicken Song, another great AFI song that I took a liking to once I heard it. If you wish to see better acting, I advise for you to venture out and see Troy which is out in theatres today. Orlando, of course, lacked in his role but Brad Pitt and Eric Bana were awesome, as was the movie. The best of days to you.
Attila the Hun Princess
Oh, I seemed to forget something the last time I commented in your lovely diary. What you said of the disclaimer was a very brilliant suggestion, I am going to change my header words to say so and when I update with a new entry, you will be given credit to the inspiration, my dear friend Erika. ^^ May it resolve any more stupid questions such as that.
I hate anonymous comments. I've only ever recieved one and it made me so mad that the person didn't use their name. I think it's so stupid that people comment if they can't even admit who they are.

People at my school make me want to scream too. The end of the year is almost here and my patience is running low. This is how it always is and each year it gets a little worse. Hope things get better for you. Good luck with that guy you like!
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EEEE!! i love hanson!! yea people are always like "faggggg" that results in my throwing sticks and yelling eff you