Listening to: Velvet Acid Christ-Pretty Toy
Feeling: unappreciated
Moments lost though time remains...
Blah blah blah. Why do I keep updating this when I have nothing of worth to write about? Simple answer-BOREDOM.
My hair is seriously fucked up. I shouldn't even go out looking like this. And I am not exaggerating. And there's nothing I can do about it except to wait for it to remedy itself. I'm seriously considering cutting my hair again. I don't know, it took so long to get to this point, and the hairstyle I used to have doesn't fit with my current 'style' so well, and I don't know, it was more work than the plain no-style I have now. Blech, I wish I had a picture of that hairstyle, so you could contrast and compare. Oh well.
The sudden wave of inspiration that has flowed into me could not have come at a worse time. Though one could argue that the reason it's a bad time is the cause of the inspiration. But I won't get into that. This feeling I have is insane...I think I will write about it in my livejournal. So lj friends can be on the lookout for that in the coming week.
I'm so happy.
Cause today I found my friends.
They're in my head.
I'm so ugly.
But that's ok 'cause so are you.
We've broke our mirrors.
Sunday morning.
Is everyday for all I care. And I'm not scared.
Light my candles.
Eternity Awaits. 137
We'll talk soon.