Good eye, sniper. I shoot, you run.

Listening to: Co&Ca
Feeling: confuzzled
First of all I want to thank all the people who have left me nice comments. It really makes me happy to know that someone likes something about me. So thank you all. Keep em' comming. Today was that field trip to Biscuitville and Cole Auditorium with music class. Of course, Biscuitville caters to meat eaters, there were no biscuits with something such as jelly or anything that never breathed, so I had to get an apple pie and a hash brown. Nice breakfast. I was looking forward to a jelly biscuit. Of course, the auditorium tour was boring. I already knew about the building and had been in almost all back rooms. Nubby McBitch tried to start with me today. Nubby McBitch is the nickname I gave to this girl in my graphics class who has three nubs instead of fingers on one of her hands and is always ignorant and annoying. I know it is mean to make fun of her disability but I kinda don't give a fuck. She's a bitch so I'll do what I want. We had a sub in English so luckily I didn't have to turn in the homework I didn't do. Still haven't done it. I'll get Josh to help me in graphics tomorrow. Speaking of Josh, I've been so confused lately about what I want. Sometimes I will feel like I want to be with him again, but then he will do or say something that will make me change my mind again. I guess we should just stay friends. I just miss being with someone. Ah well. I tried waxing my eyebrows myself and that didn't work, so I thought I'd use that Nair stuff. BAD IDEA. I had to have my mom fix them. There are still little tiny hairs that she couldn't get with the tweezers. Oh well. Hm. I guess thats it.
Read 4 comments
Today I'm dirty, wanted to be pretty, but I know that I'm forever dirt.
I checked out that web-site....toothpaste for dinner
Im in love.....thank you....
I hate the process of perfecting the eyebrows. Quite bloody annoying, really it is. Professionally done costs twenty dollars now. I will not spend twenty U.S. money on getting a was job on my face. How I hate it. ^.^ Coheed, another great band away from the metal that I usually listen to. I enjoyed your nubby nickname, you brought a laugh to Attila at that. I despise places with no avaliability to vegetarians or vegans on their menus.

Eyebrow waxing.

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ::cringe::

I pluck my eyebrows. Waxing is painful and cringish.


Did it work?