Who knew?

Listening to: AFI
Feeling: happy
So, I put up some new pictures. I got the one on the top left from the AFIcons lj community, I didn't make it. Its one of the 320 I got just too look at. It was so hard to choose which one to use, and chances are it will change every once in a while. I'm also now a member of the Despair Faction!! Wooo Hooo! My username is idespair on the boards. Too bad I used all my money to join, I really want some of the merch from the DF store. Anyone feel like giving me ten dollars? Anyway, who knew joining a club could make someone so happy? I'm reading posts made by the band and I am falling in love with each and every one of them. Not in a creepy stalker way, but in a "You're really funny and a great role model and I admire you more than you can ever imagine" way. Well, maybe a little bit of the creepy stalker I want to have your babies way. But just a tiny tiny bit.
Read 6 comments
I'm a member of the DF too.
But, I still haven't registered w/ the boards yet.
I should probably do that.
Take care
i know, i wish could of met all of them, then might have made up for the fact that i was stranded in a strange city alone AND missed my of fave bands ever :( anyways ... im sure youll get to meet them :) xx
hah, thats alright. i could have just deleted one, but now it would look weird. so your on Neopets too, eh? you play anymore? i go on bienges. sometimes ill do nothing for weeks but play Neopets, then other times i wont play for sevral months. anyway. i see you added me to your friend's list. ill add you back then. hey, if your ever on Neopets, dont be shy do send me junk. even like a pile of sludge. haha, yeah, see ya later..
Yay! I love you, you true AFI fan, you. I HATE when people scream at the movies too! Yeah, my loser friend Arlene was like you should say your name is "ayfhi" when someone asks what AFI is. When she was the one that had to ask what AFI was the first time she noticed what I was wearing. I am saltforwounds on those boards. Being in DF makes you feel so much better than everyone else. Just wait until you get your stuff..
You even get a very cool typed up letter that I am sure they send to everyone, but it still says from Davey, Hunter, Jade and Adam on the bottom and that makes you feel super special. Or I did at least. Hey can you give me the link for where all those icons are? I need to change my comment pic one. Thank you! And Welcome to the DF. I will have to say hey to you if I see you on there somewhere.
-Armand who is addicted to those boards
I missed the last entry.
I have been really listening to Pornography for the past few days.
It's such a great CD.
Heh, that is all.
Take care