You were made by God and for God - and until you understand that, life will never make sense.
- Rick Warren
It is alleged that â€life is about letting God use you for his purpose, not your using him for your own purpose.†Isn’t that vanity, amour propre? What the bible is against. But I understand, you can’t be Godly if your hand is around your dick. Just pay attention to the porno on the screen.
It’s also posthumous. Today, I saw a lady walking on the street. It looked as if she had an hysterectomy. Her makeup, covering up her lines. Her odor, of whore. I couldn’t help to think, what else she cut-in her vagina. However, what ever she does for a whoretify-living. She’s still considered innocent. As long as she repents. Instead of hypodermically, injecting heroin, I injected emptiness. You belong in the death parade. I am just amour propre.
Is all well?
Vienna. [fallwithregret]
Have A Lovely Day
sure, i'm catholic.
but i don't believe in god.
and who's life does makes sense?
humans can onlyy understand life up to a certain point.
at least, that's what i think.