
I believe everyone has a purpose in this world. Some people just happen to be on destiny's side and have the purpose of ending world hunger or curing diseases. But you can be that one person who has that one friend and you're secretly the reason why he/she hasn't killed themselves. Why they wake up every morning with a smile on their face and ready to face the world, or because of your selfless kindness, that "thank you" or smile simply started that chain reaction of positive affects. You're not superfluous, no one is. Some people just need to realize how wonderful of a person they are, even if they don't think you are, someone does. And realize that they've probably inspired many people they've cross paths with in life Thank you for the inspiration.
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The 2 boys walked home together. Years later at graduation the picked on kid stood up to give his speech (was the top student)and he told his story. He said the only reason he didn't go kill himself was because that other boy, whom he was now best friends with, had shown him there are good people out there and had given him something to live for. Very sad story but beautiful.
This entry reminds me of a story a heard a long time ago. It was about a young boy who was continuously being picked on at school so he decided to kill himself. He cleaned out his locker because he didn't want his mum to have to do it and he started walking home. On the way he got tripped up and his books fell to the ground. Another guy from school who was walking past helped him pick them up.
i have had this same thought so many times.
it's always been one of my strongest beliefs in life.
it makes me believe in humanity.