
Feeling: pathetic
Too many people at my school are finding about my fiane and boyfriend. so we are havoing huge problems. we might end up breaking up because of it. i dont want to and neither does he. but for now it might be the best thing to do. And obviously there is someone out there who is spreading it to other people that me and him have something. And who ever that is that is trying to break our love for each other is going to die. No matter what it takes Eclipse and i are going to get married. Its done. We have each other now. and though we may get into fights but we will work through them. I PROMISE THAT I WILL NOT GIVE UP MY LOVE.
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it isn't me... so don't go there...

Why would somebody try to break you & him up? That's sooo shitty for somebody to do. If you two are happy (which it seems you are) ignore the little fuckers. Love is worth sooo much more than breaking up over such a stupid cause.

peace & love man,
& btw, this is hiddenshadows just on a different name. :)
i don't have a clue...

but i can guess... not saying though... if it even is them...
humans are gross. i hope things work out for you. never let go of love, it will haunt you till the day you die.
Thats the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Fuck people, if I were you, Id take him and run far, far away....but...Im stupid, so dont take my advice lol. I really hope it works out for you two, love is not meant to be destroyed.
Im sure things will iron out eventually. obviously I dont know whats going on or anything, but like I said true love is not meant to be destroyed and if it as strong as you make it seem im sure you two will find a way to be together. a biolgist, eh? thats cool. I want to be a phsycologist...people give me weird looks when I say that though,because apparently they think I need one of my own. lol but anyway,yea, Ill stop bugging you now :-P