This BLOWS!!!!!

Man, hot damn. I really wish I had a car. I tried to look for a full time job in the beginning of summer on top of my part time job at the alley. BUT i needed it to be walking distance so i put applications in everywhere at the hampden center (almost) except for the movie theatre cuz i would never want to work there. I also put one in at super pets. Hey, now that i'm 17 i should go put one in at hollywood video, or maybe not...cuz school is starting soon. But i'll do that next summer. Anyways, DAMMIT! I NEED A CAR!!! This year, the SENIORS can park EVERYDAY when the SENIOR PARKING LOT get's done. Their is a $60 cost for a permit this year....but that's covered. I JUST NEED A FRIGGIN CAR!!! :( Why i gotta be a loser senior with no car? I BE THE ONLY LOSER SENIOR RIDING THE DAMN FRIGGIN BUS! HAVE I MENTIONED HOW MUCH I HATE THE BUS? PROBABLY NOT BUT GUESS WHAT? I HATE RIDING THE GOD DAMN SCHOOL BUS! AND IT MAKES ME HATE THE CARLISE PIKE!!!!
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Hey, at least you have the option to get a car. It won't be too'll be an individual, at least. I'm not helping am I? Okay..