
aggh so i'm full blown sick...the weird thing is its like shoulders up lol..the rest of the body is a-ok! i stayed home from school today...and i did get some homework done..but reading made my head hurt lol... umm so i still have some to do that was due today...that i need to do for tomorrow. supposedly we have a huge spanish test tomorrow that i didn't know about. great fun. soo went to the doctor about the bump...the doctor wasn't sure what it iwas, so he sent for like the chairman of that mayo clinic place and they both looked at it an di felt like some kind of weird sample. annnd he said that my skull like 'dimples' and they don't know if its because whatever the lump is erroded the bone to make it dimple, or if it was always there...annd they dont' know if the lump is limpoma or a blod clot type thing or both mixed together....soo he said there is a good chance i'd get surgery on it, just to take it out to be safe..the sucky part is is that they would like shave off good piece of my hair...and i'd have like this nice big bald spot. yay. it was funny though, i asked him, b4 the other docotr came in, if there was like an MRI i could do just to see what it was..and he wa slik e'hey, ur right, that is the kind of test we do for soft tissue' and he wa slike ' i dunno if we would od that though...not yet' and then he comes back in after talking with the other doctor and he's like 'you're on ur way to a medical degree...we are gonna have you do an mri" hmmm... they kinda freaked me out...cuz he was like 'we don't see this often...and i'm not sure what this is..its very unusual' and i'm like yay.. i'm special...not but then i got a smoothie which was fun.. i don't want surgery on my HEAD! ughh..thats a delicate part ! important things are there...LIKE MY BRAIN! my mom said we'd do it over summer..orlike a break so i could recover... oooy they said its nothing 'life thretaning' but i consider surgery on my head kinda serious. and now i have to go write a frickin jounral entry about abigal from the crucible. she is a big bitch.
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