bad bad girl!

Listening to: new norah jones CD!!
Feeling: adventurous
i'm such a horrible girl. i rarely update! its been crazy-busy..actually not too bad. well lets think...this past week or so i've been sick. i always always get sick with the flu. david claims i'm sick alot. i don't think so. i would've have gotten better much faster had i not gone to lax and all my normal stuff. oh yea, by the by, i passed my driving test! yay! wed i didn't go to school because i wanted to try and get better in time for our first game, and thurs. i came late... well i jsut showered and let my hair do its own thing, i was so drugged up on advil flu and robitissum everything seemed weird. turns out my hair looked really good. great on a day where everyone sounds far away and feellike i'm on laughing gas. i went to visit beren's latin america class during newspaper to interview some ppl, ended up staying there for a while. this kid josh makhoul, who i was in 4th grade with was being oddly flirty. like huggy and come sit on my lap. umm cool? but sure i was to drugged to care. max and sara were there which was all good. alrite, thurs. game vs pinnacle. let me set up the situation. us - enough girls for the field and 3 subs including me - coughing like no other (i asked not to start) them - enough girls to switch the whole field any time they felt like it (thats about 30 girls) which they did. they wouldn't switch one girl...the whole frickin field would run off. all of our girls played the whole game. alrite,we play decently, keep possesion for a good amount...just once it got to our defensive side...ay...not good. considering our 3 -day old goalie, she did aight. (yes aight, say it now) so i got put in i think like twice because once i would start doing a little more than a jog, iwould start hacking up a lung. but in the few minutes i did play i scored which was exciting. it was a penalty shot which was excellent. we had like 5 penalty shots and i think out of those i made the only goal. go us. but the score was 9-5 which isn't good, and we almost had another...except lindsay stepped into the crease so it didn't count. improvment from last year so no complaining. tonight went to piano then lax then to the raz's house for dinner. then dannah wanted to take me out with her friends, but they were at sapporos. me in jeans, flipflops and my nfty sweatshirt. didn't think it was gonna cut it there. so we dug through her closet, and the only thing i kept on was myjeans. i looked pretty snazzy if i may so myself. we sat at one of those tappen tables and the guy who cooked our food would say 'yea baby' in his mexican accent every time he cut something or set something on fire. kinda creepy. but it was all in good fun and its a reallly nice restaurant. i'm jealous of all the couples but not at the same time. its still weird to talk about valentines day in paper with marc around but i don't really talk directly to him much soi t doesn't really matter. oH! caitlin coleman (mackenzie's sister) was in the yes section of the paper (the style ish magazine thing) in a very pretty dress! go her. i like her...early on she never liked ryan and she told me to make sure mackenzie never did anything stupid with him. guess that didn't work... why does david have to go out of town the one weekend im' in town? GRR ! :whimper:
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Why worrie about what you wear, guys just really want to see you naked!