i love how the ads above my diary correspond with what i do. fair trade in africa! yea!
i had another panic attack. i don't know wny they happen. during the math test i came to a problem i wasn't 100% sure how to do. normally i'd just figure it out...but for some reason i started to panic. then i saw the rest of the page was the same type of problem. i felt the blood rush from my face, and my hands started to shake. i don't understand why it happens. i think i've been under way too much stress lately. this year is ridiculously hard. its no longer me aceing things without really working...its like work my ass off and maybe get a B.
So i've had one of these before. my mom had to give me some kind of anxiety pills. they helped. i told my mother about it, and she said that she had panic attacks as a teenager, and would black out ( ! ) and that these things are hereditary (i have inherited all of her other medical problems...but we won't go into that) SO i get to keep cool little anxiety pills with me that i take before stressful days or activities, and if i take too many i'll zonk out. yippie.
why am i chock full with so many damn problems? its so not cool. and i feellike this whole panic thing i could control...but at the same time i can't. grrr hadas be normal!