chaos part 2

holy shit they actually had the mood i was looking for. I LOVE THIS PLACE! haha well i don't even know why i'm stopping to write this..its 11.30 and i have like 10 million other things i SHOULD be doing. soo the pst like 3 days have been uber busy..constant running around...2 social stitches goin on on top of mounds of homework and tests...and everything else... today my day went as follows : school, which during lunch i went to math i dunno...then badmitton, which i was whisked away from at 4.15ish where i came home, showered at then at 5 i wbent to babysit danielle. i was there until 11!! they said it would be till like 9! then she was like 'well we want to go out, probably like 10' so i was like oooook...and now i'm stressed cuz i have to pack for tomorrow (tcty retreat) annnd all my homework but really...if it sounds like i'm complaining I LOVE IT! (well except for the social stitches.... ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND I GOT A CELLPHONE! yea that will be the highlight of my month. its a cool flip phone but no one ever calls me or texts me...but w/e umm well i really should get back to packing....i'll be back......monday!
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ahh kool kool!
They have every mood imaginable.