
Feeling: confused
Ah, the first blog. A fresh start. Or some crap like that. Jeez. I need sleep. Anyway, I guess I might as well jump right in and discuss staying at Devin's last night. It was..interesting. So, I'm all emo on the computer and what not (you know, the normal stuff), and Dev IMs me and is like, "Hey, how're you, do you wanna hang out?" So I'm like, "Uh, I'm okay, sure, why not?" So we decide to meet at Barnes. We meet at Barnes, and it's Sunday, so they're supposed to close soon. So we decide to go to Starbucks, so I go into Cold Stone and bug Emily real quick then we go to Starbucks. We don't do much but talk, then I get coffee, then we leave and drive down by the Newburgh riverfront. Things are going okay, we're getting along, no awkwardness. So we decide to just hang at her house, and it's like 9:30 (I don't have to be home til midnight). I'm thinking things are going to either be really awkward or really interesting. So anyway, we go to her house, say hey to her mom, and then chill out in the living room. Let me add in here that her mom and grandma are really cool..Her mom CRACKS me up. So yeah, anyway, we're hanging out in her living room - both behaving since we decided to be "non-physical friends" before we tried actually going out. So we're chilling on the couch at opposite ends, watching Family Guy. I have NO clue how things got started or who it was (heh, prolly me :-P), but next thing I remember random grabbing of thighs started. And by that I don't mean rape, I mean one of us would randomly just sorta lay our hand on the others thigh and lightly rub for a second before moving. So this goes on for awhile, then it's either the thigh or the neck. Anyway, so we decide that I should stay the night and hang out. So I call and ask and all that stuff, and I'm allowed. So we stayed up all night, and we'd randomly rub each others thighs or neck. Well, it eventually led to the whole kissing the neck thing, and that was about as far as it was taken...until...we ended up kissing. AH! right? well, no. See, it was my fault on that one..but then later we kissed again (I don't remember who's fault that was)...Anyway, it was pretty nice...but she kinda pushed me off the first I dno. Anyway, the over all point to my story here is that I'm UTTERLY confused. I really like Devin - a lot...but I know that sometimes she makes me wonder whether she likes me back, or says she likes me back..Last night, it really felt like she liked me and like we clicked...I guess I'm just confused cause I think we could work, but it just doesn't seem to prove true since we didn't when we tried...*sigh* I dno...I dno what she thinks/feels. I do know that I'm way confused. On another note, Vanessa's sister had her baby today...Emma...I think I get to go see her tomorrow..I'm'll be cool... CRAP I just looked at the clock! Jeez..I really do need to get outta here if I gotta get up at 7:30...heh, I guess Emma was born yesterday morning...anyway, I'm out kids...night.
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