So, today was dull

Feeling: broken
So I did literally nothing today. I stayed up last night until like 9 ish (cause I took Josh to VBS). Then I went to bed until like 5:30. Then I went to work. Now I'm tired again and I've only been up 6 hours. This is crazy. I'm glad I'm tired though because I have to be up at 7AM to go to Deaconess/ChildCare...yay I love those kids though, they're SO adorable..Anyway, nothing much happened today..I talked to Grant..we got along. I think I'm gonna go see him this summer sometime..*shrugs* Today's my grandma's birthday too...I didn't get to call her really made me sad...:- I'm gonna call her tomorrow though, and explain. Anyway, I'm gonna head out. Maybe I'll actually be able to sleep for the evening - but I'm sure I'll lay down and my body will rest but my mind won't, and I'll be up all f'ing night again. *sigh* Anyway, night kids.
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