So confused

Feeling: lousy
Welp, I'm officially completely confused by relationships and the people they would be with. Rachel's acting a lot like she did when we were together - a long time ago..when we were really together, and happy...and that's really hard on me...I just wish I knew how she meant the things she does.. Devin's got me all confused too...Last night when V and I went over there, they both said something about how I switch back and forth from joking to serious a lot...well...actually Devin said that..V now I'm thinking that she may not know that I'm serious about her...and that worries me, cause I am. I just don't know a good way to tell her that...she said that I can be really confusing with that, so I'm just gonna try to be less flip-flop with that. *sigh* I dno...I just...I dno. Oh, and on top of my preconfusion, I hate this jacked up dream last night that Tay died...I was FLIPPING in the dream...I was still at SIG, and like everyone else was over it...but everytime I'd see something that even remotely reminded me of her, I'd start bawling uncontrollably was weird...then, of course, who wakes me up? Taylor jacked is that? Frichen weird...*sigh* Anyway, I'm outta here..
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