Reason to live

Feeling: resigned
Well, I don't know if "renewed" is the right mood. But I've had an epiphany of sorts. First of all, I can't type/spell for crap when I'm running on 1.5 hours sleep and have just spent four hours will small children. Secondly, my only real reason for living is Wednesday mornings. I know that sounds odd, but fuck, I'd get up everyday at 5AM if I could spend time with those kids. They're so fucking awesome. Nick and I were power rangers again today. Then, before lunch, when we were outside, he said that he had to give me something inside. After lunch, he hands me what looks like a blank piece of folded blue construction paper. After some examinging, I notice the green crown. He had written a book for me in Spanish and the words were in the shape of a cross. That kid is SO awesome. I mean, I dno, he only hangs around with me when I'm there, no one else, so I dno when I'm not. But that kid is my favorite thing in the world right now. I swear, he's so cool. I love all those kids though..even Jalen (HE DRIVES ME UP THE WALL) who doesn't listen. *sigh* I can't wait for next Wednesday. Dude, I mean, it's so crazy how they'll scream at each other one second, and the next be throwing blocks out of the box so they can sit in it together. I love little kids. No cliques, just "what's you name, oh, ok, we're power rangers." That's fucking it. No questions asked. It's great. And by the way, those both are true stories. Man, I love kids. I wish I could be 4 again...*sigh* Crazy.
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i haven't read this yet, so will be leaving another comment.. but WELCOME TO SITDIARY!

-Rachel G
aren't kids great?? they really are a reason to live. Just beware if you lose them.. like if they move, it will break your heart. (see my entry on this same blog)
