
Well, Meh. I don't really know what to say. Emily and I haven't talked in a while..I'm kinda sad about that. Devin and I are dating which is good, but something tells me that's as far as things'll go with us...I think that she'll end up with someone else..As far as Rachel, well, after fighting for awhile, and then deciding to end things on good terms, we're not speaking. I don't know how I can do this. It's like, the more I tell myself I can't talk to her, the more I want to. And it's killing me because I want SOOO badly to call her and be like, "I'm so sorry, I'm completely in love with you, take me back." But I know that I can't do that because I keep missing the person she used to be...not who she's become. Besides, I really like Devin, and I wouldn't do that to her. So *shrugs* I don't really know where my life is going right now, but I do know that I've gotta start making more friends because dating Devin and talking Vanessa don't take up all my time, and they're the only people I really am around. So I need to start talking to Taylor and William more and I need to get a hold of Emily. *sigh* I'm gonna go. Anyone wanna hang out? I'm not contagious with my larengitus (spl?) anymore. Gimme a call. lol 430-2989
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