quite a few know...

Feeling: fedup
Well, as many know, Rachel and I aren't speaking for awhile. I can't really call her up and tell her this, but I am gonna vent. THIS IS BULLFUCKINGSHIT. OK, so we're not talking right, and she keeps pulling this, "I just gotta say one thing." So, I'm like, "Fine, whatever, say it." So we talk about shit, and she's all, "I am in love with you and I want to be with you, but I just can't." FUCK THAT. Mind you, she also says this right after she fucking tells Vanessa that she doesn't fuck with my mind. Fucking bullshit she doesn't. She fucks worse with my mind than anything. Man, it's fucking crazy. And then, fucking then, I read her blog, which I know was a mistake, and she's going on and fucking on about some guy (I know who too.) that she just wishes she could be with. Fuck Rachel, take a goddamn look around. You're not the only one being fucked over by the person they're madly fucking head-over-heels in love with.
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im not in love with him.