It's nice to be okay sometimes.

Listening to: none
Feeling: undecided
Welp, I'm not really in a mood. I mean, I guess I am, do you have to be? I dno. Anyway, I'm kinda okay I guess. I won't be talking to Rachel tonight, which I don't know if that's good or bad. I guess it's kinda good since I talk to her so much. I hung out with Emily today though. That was cool. I'd never seen her outta school before, but we had fun I think. After we hung out, we ended up hanging out and talking in her front yard for about an hour. That was really cool. I sorta met her family except her dad and one brother. But her family doesn't really look like her. I mean, I could see the resemblance I guess, but Emily's a lot prettier than her sister..and Emily, if you read this, that's what I wouldn't say to your face. Anyway, I don't know what else to put in here. That's about all of my day. So I'm going to finish this bag of potato crips which "ARE delicious" and just chill here playing games online. It's nice to be okay sometimes, and today, I've been okay.
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Ha.... one of those days as discussed in the car the other day, where no matter what, shit's just OKAY. lol. We need to find a drug that gives us that, k? We'll work on that.

I LOVE YOU SWEETIE! I'll call you later.